About Solid Snake

A strong man doesn’t need to read the future. He makes his own.

Snake’s Virtual Baptism

Solid Snake kneels at the edge of the Euphrates, his face shadowed by the desert sun. The water flows like blood beneath the Iraqi sky, reflecting the weight of history. American soldiers, weary from battle, stand before him. Their faces are hardened by war, their souls burdened by what they have seen.

Snake’s voice is calm but firm, his MK ULTRA Chaplain alter taking control.

Solid Snake:
“The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the East.” (Revelation 16:12)

He looks into the soldiers’ eyes, his grip tightening on the Bible in his gloved hand.

Solid Snake:
“And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.” (Revelation 9:15)

The soldiers shift uneasily. Some scoff. Some lower their heads in reverence.

Solid Snake:
“You think this war is about oil? About politics? It’s bigger than that. I am here under orders—directly from President George W. Bush—to thwart Gog and Magog. Russia and China are watching, waiting. The battle lines are being drawn, but this is not just about bullets and bombs. This is about souls. About whether the world will fall into darkness or find salvation.”

He gestures to the water.

Solid Snake:
“This river has seen the rise and fall of empires. It has tasted the blood of warriors and kings. But today, it will be a river of rebirth. Step forward, and be baptized. Not as soldiers of a government, but as warriors of truth. If we are to face the armies of Gog and Magog, we must first cleanse our spirits. Come, let the waters of the Euphrates prepare you for the war that is coming.”

The soldiers hesitate. Then, one steps forward. Then another. The war may rage on, but in this moment, Solid Snake prepares them for a battle not just of flesh and steel, but of spirit and prophecy.