Check out the bling Kanye West wore to the 2010 BET Music Awards. He also wore a giant chain with the Egyptian sun god Horus. To the Illuminati the eye on the pyramid represents many gods such as Christ, Baal or Lucifer. Most occult orders secretly acknowledge Lucifer as being the savior of humanity, the fallen angel who liberated men from the oppression of the biblical God (Jehovah, Yahweh).
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I think Kanye is reckless as hell! He does Chicago no justice and we turn our backs on him. Even little children up here knows that he is in some type of occult. We bang his beats, learn the lyrics, but are blind to the fact that he is a Santanist. The signs are there people don’t be fooled!!!!
How many kids could Kanye feed with his designer clothes and bling? Totally Satanic, vainglorious.
My bling wuz so big b4 the war in the gulf I had the lifesize midget from fantasy island on my neck. Da plane boss! da plane! makes Kanye’s shit look puny.