An Old Friend Versus the Antichrist

Which dog would you choose in this fight?

My old friend Tom, or the richest man in Babylon?


I came to the movie, I saw, I knew what was on Kubrick’s mind: The redemption of the Jewish people.

Coningsby, or The New Generation is an English political novel by Benjamin Disraeli, published in 1844. 

Rothschild is the Lord and Master of the money markets of the world, and of course virtually Lord and Master of everything else. He literally held the revenues of Southern Italy in pawn, and Monarchs and Ministers of all countries courted his advice and were guided by his suggestions. Benjamin Disraeli

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3 thoughts on “An Old Friend Versus the Antichrist

  1. E moj narode
    Od vremena još od Krista
    Nova lica, scena ista
    Vražje sile se trude
    Da nas ne bude

    Antikristi i masoni
    Komunisti ovi, oni
    Šire sotonske fraze
    Da nas poraze
    E, moj narode, e, moj narode

    A mi gluhi, nijemi, slijepi
    Svatko u svom mraku strepi
    Narod biran od Boga
    Guši nesloga

    Iz povijesti naše slavne
    A i ove ne baš davne
    Sve smo što nam je vrijedno
    Stekli zajedno
    E, moj narode, e, moj narode

    Uzmimo u ruke sudbinu i sreću
    Ni ja više tako ne mogu ni neću
    Uzmimo u ruke sudbinu i sreću
    E, moj narode, e, moj narode

    Generacije junaka
    I pobjednička vojska jaka
    Još se brine i gine
    Zbog Domovine

    S nebeskih tih visina
    Daj nam Bože opet sina
    Da nas vodi iz bijede
    Sve do pobjede…e, moj narode

    Uzmimo u ruke sudbinu i sreću
    Ni ja više tako ne mogu ni neću
    Uzmimo u ruke sudbinu i sreću
    E, moj narode, e, moj narode

  2. E moj narode
    Ever since Christ walked on this Earth
    New people come, but the scene stays the same
    Forces of devil always try hard
    To make us disappear

    Antichrists and masons
    Comunists and such
    Spreading satanist phrases
    To defeat us
    Oh, my people! 2X

    We’re pretending to be deaf, silent and blind
    Everyone afraid in their own darkness
    People chosen by the God
    Are being choked by disagreements

    From our ancient history
    And our latest one, too
    Everything that’s important to us
    We earned it together
    Hey, my people! 2X

    Let’s take control over faith and happiness
    I cannot live like this anymore
    Let’s take control over faith and happiness
    Hey, my people! 2X

    Generations of heroes
    And the strong army of winners
    Still fight and die
    For the Homeland

    From distant sky
    Send us, God, Your Son
    To take us out of misery
    To the final victory.. Hey, my people!

    Let’s take control over faith and happiness
    I cannot live like this anymore
    Let’s take control over faith and happiness
    Hey, my people! 2X

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