This is where me and cousin Tony got to go. George Bush’s secret society that shares in the love of Christ. The young pope has a cigarette problem and a cherry coke problem.
aarish was mad i gave at Attila Nemeth fair fight. i wanted him to fight his own battles….cuz attila wasn’t a bully…he got bullied so i let him have revenge
teens brainwashed by scarface movies
Cherry coke 0 = drug fool
Sister Bice can kiss me whenever she wants….the HBO show isn’t truth about young pope…appropriate kiss = not on lips
Cardinals…Bishops…we have smashed their Satanic ideology…burned them out…destroyed their altars…left them in dollar store bulb darkness
They think eternal darkness is fun your holy father….show them the truth about the deep secrets of satan…without the messianic music
When China girl speaks u will know the truth and the truth will set you free…dungeons and electroshocks…vaginal mutilation and red hot branding
they got collateral on Cruise…..damaging most embarassing moments
U THANK ME…understand Tone loc?
This is what u watch with GF…ante i know you’re watching
swindler’s lust…blame old man rothschild
i want tony in real ecstacy not bs drugs
an effusively enthusiastic or ecstatic expression of feeling.
“rhapsodies of praise”
it says the 1 loves me
“Hello/Please/Thank you”
Szia, Kerek, Koszonom
attilha nemeth was scourge of gladstone….never lost a fight
a person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering.
“the scourge of mass unemployment”
1 of only gladstoners to save up for a house
aarish was mad i gave at Attila Nemeth fair fight. i wanted him to fight his own battles….cuz attila wasn’t a bully…he got bullied so i let him have revenge
cocktail sword is real sword of peace…
that was the bitch of the bunch
but i resisted…that lisa ann corpora
put 30 years into courtship…and semper fidelis after 911 whoa nelly
joe the plumber…milani plumber…gotta get Frank’s forgiveness or i’m cursed
Eminem cries all the time…doctors don’t understand and don’t seem to care about Detroit (hell on earth) lead poisoning
anakin is mad the freemason jedi order hasn’t made him a master in movie…we take over the blue collar workers and build things that are made to last
Rev 6
The kings of the earth, the nobles,
the military officers, the rich, the powerful,
and every slave and free person
hid themselves in caves
Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne
and from the wrath of the Lamb,
rev 18 vuk
sweatshop slaves
Mosley family…international socialists vs national socialists…both hate capitalism
timbaland’s family is brave
brandy had sham marriage…no boyfriend wanted toxic spotlight
bullshit paul joseph watson….mr. capitalism….alex jones is supposed to be sherlock holmes…….sherlock and watson
me and marko dahl made good video about the capitalist electronic junk
youtube = .003 cents a view…he loves his filter salesman money….uses ad hominem name calling…..yeah i live in communist school teacher mary’s house
CIA sabotages every socialist paradise with hyperinflation counterfeit money
TESLA = Craftsmanship EDISON = Crap
What good is all this ayn rand “abundance” if we throw away almost half of the food?