paradise island is what remains of atlantis…the amazons had a war with the atlanteans, not delusions of grandeur like JUstin True dough ‘s napoleon complex, JT neve conquered anything, nelly is just singing about Fifth empire history/folklore…y do you think the amazon is called the amazon in brazil?
if we stopped fishing in the azores and threw our extra food to the fish…..all the fish in the atlantic will survive mr burns/rothschild’s drift nets scraping the ocean bottom middle and top clean
we’ll be having fun…on an island in the sun
I would build a seed bank like bill gates
Brad Pitt talks about seed in big short movie
Copy Guernsey island money experiment
The pyramids were used to store seed
Like Bosnian pyramid
WE NEED TO PRAY‘spanish-flu’-pandemic-of-1918.9111/#post-103505
at the shrines with other Catholic believer’s like RFK
paradise island is what remains of atlantis…the amazons had a war with the atlanteans, not delusions of grandeur like JUstin True dough ‘s napoleon complex, JT neve conquered anything, nelly is just singing about Fifth empire history/folklore…y do you think the amazon is called the amazon in brazil?
u will be a minister of peace praying pro life
vaxx is about population control
sterilize you like the Kenyans
everyone on her island speaks to sao miguel, jezu & maria…it’s not mentally ill there
in Sinj everyone talks to Gospa
if we stopped fishing in the azores and threw our extra food to the fish…..all the fish in the atlantic will survive mr burns/rothschild’s drift nets scraping the ocean bottom middle and top clean
forrest gump had shrimp boat
azores is sardine boat….
the big fish are fished out
the shemitah…jewish law….nobody works…fields lay fallow….no fishing
Sabbatical Year
The seventh year, during which the fields were to be left fallow (Leviticus 25:1-7) and debts released
if there is a fishing moratorium in the waters of the azores…the last of the big fish will come there
all u need is a bag of seeds….
croatian island or paradise ilsand for free britney vacation
i want to work from anywhere in the world with that passive income
the real deal amazon saleswoman, not the youtube passive income swindle videos they have
Senor Spielbergo promised her a cure with the best Jewish doctors in the world, that is coercion and entrapment because he never delivered on that
I delivered the medicine not plastic jesus david de rothschild