Megan Fox Fired by SS

Megan Fox

Megan fox has been fired from Transformers: Dark of the Moon for calling director Michael Bay “Hitler”. Being a Catholic schoolgirl I don’t think Fox knew about the repercussions of invoking the big H word while being surrounded by Jews like Michael Bay, Shia Lebeouf and SS (Steven Spielberg). This unholy triumvirate of Jews have been trying to get in her pants since the dawn of Cybertron. Michael Bay has been trying to schtup Megan with his shmeckel since Bumblebee was a recycled pop can. He’s been trying to hammer her tukus like Ratchet hammering a loose rivet into Optimus Prime’s metal ass.

Oy Gevalt! After much kibbitzing it looks like the Jews have indeed decided to fire her. Shia Lebouef used his powers of chutzpah to describe Michael Bay as a “football captain” and not a heartless dictator. Way to save the girl Shia! Keep using that chutzpah to save the day!

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12 thoughts on “Megan Fox Fired by SS

  1. This is anti-Semitism in it’s worst form. Why are you so filled with hate Joe? What have the suffering, exiled Jewish people ever done to you? Entertain you with our chosen movies starring chosen actors like Shia? This is filth. I’m writing a letter to the ADL as we speak.

    • Many lovely ladies have told me what it’s like to work for Steven Spielberg. Whenever his crew comes people say, “Oh oh, it’s SS!” “Here comes the SS!”. Totally like working for a deranged nazi scientist.

  2. My tia maria gave all her money to Dr. Fishbein to treat her cancer and couldn’t buy me a transformer for Christmas. I cried and cried and cried. I just watched her play solitaire and smoke lucky strikes last christmas while i quietly ate my ramen noodles.

  3. Shut up Fishman you fucking kike! Your getting on my fucken nerves. The kid’s aunt is fucking sick. Morris Fishbein took every penny and left her for dead and all you Jews can do is rub your greedy hands together wondering if the undertaker is one of “God’s Chosen” so u can make that last funeral sheckel off her corpse.

  4. Y does this shia le buff think he is god’s chosen messiah

    fighting some imaginary giant robots…..he’s delusional

    where is this great antichrist the chosen one is supposed to battle shia?


    some imaginary robot?

    no wonder the goys make these virals

  5. let’s see shia lebouf the messiah in action

    can’t even write his own lines

    all he can do is repeat “he won’t divide us” like a stupid team america actor puppet

    worse than matt daman

    who can only say his own name

  6. joe & sarah (who looks like nelly) are the best team america soldiers

    that’s why the call it acting

    like all the people at trout lake “acting like they liked me”

  7. do u like when megan fox dates who i want her to date?

    the reason the high priestess can never be a pope is becuz


    so how can they fight a real devil?

    fear is contagious

    so no more FEAR

    144K won’t take the chip

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