Revelation & The Real Synagogue of Satan

Joe Black Nobility

Nazi propaganda calls the ashkenazi khazar jews the synagogue of satan. The real SOS is the european blue bloods like the Venetian Black Nobility. Hitler was from the tribe of Judah. His Coat of arms has a lion of judah with a sword.

UNICEF reveals to the last generation (z) of children in a masquearade ball.

Illuminati Chart

Watch Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut to see the SOS. See the SOS illuminati bankers like Dominic Strauss Khan in cocaine and viagra fueld orgies.

They pretend to be Jews but they are of the Synagogue of Satan. Their protocols use anti-semitism as a weapon on Jews that are lesser brethren.

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3 thoughts on “Revelation & The Real Synagogue of Satan

  1. What is all the talk about the latest shooting> The states is the devil’s playground wow what a satanic move . Hate is everywhere and the funny thing is where probably in hell trying to be a friend of the one they call Satan

  2. PATIENCE…xcom healing is coming…ariana rockefeller is in charge of the medicine now…google vacanti mouse…we’ve all been abused by that red devil in eyes wide shut

    being a patient means patience ishy…i told u where to go for extra work…if u like the movie biz sign up with feldman agency

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